Welcome to the SWVA Pride Family!
Become a Friend of Pride today and directly support Southwest Virginia Pride’s year-round community programs and services. You can now give back in a continuous, sustainable way to support Southwest Virginia Pride’s various programs and community services in:
Arts & Culture – including year-round programs uplifting BIPOC, trans, and queer artists and entertainers
Economic Growth & Upward Mobility – including support for future programs and more
Community Solidarity – including direct support for community members in need
Visibility & Education – including local advocacy and education efforts
Friends of Pride Giving Levels:
Friends: $5/month ($60/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Allows us to create one-time marketing campaigns to highlight important community programs and activities.
Your benefits as a friend:
Name on the website(Optional)
Ally: $10/month ($120/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Assists in connecting community members with skills-building and educational workshops.
Your benefits as an ally:
Name on the website(opyional)
5% off SWVA Pride Store
10% off pride events
Partner: $15/month ($180/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Pays for an LGBTQ artists to have the opportunity to share their talents with the community.
Your benefits as a partner:
Name on the website(Optional)
10% off SWVA Pride online store
SWVA Pride Decal
15% off SWVA Pride events
Sustainer: $20/month ($240/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Supports the continued growth of future programs
Assists in the ability for volunteers to connect with Pride organizers from around the country and the globe
Your benefits as a sustainer:
Name on website(Optional)
15% off SWVA Pride online Store
SWVA Pride Decal
20% off SWVA Pride events
Friends of Pride T-Shirt
One ticket to any choice event(excludes the Great Spaghetti Dinner & Auction)
Advocate: $25/month ($300/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Helps cover the cost of insurance for events.
Your benefits as an advocate:
Name on the website(Optional)
15% discount on SWVA Pride online store
SWVA Pride Decal
25% off SWVA Pride events
Friends of Pride t-shirt
Two ticket to any choice event(excludes the Great Spaghetti Dinner & Auction)
Patron: $50/month ($600/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Partially supports one full week of the organization’s continued execution of our programs and activities.
Your benefits as a patron:
Name on the website (optional)
SWVA Pride Decal
Friend of Pride Shirt
20% discount on SWVA Pride online store
50% off Events
Two complimentary tickets to SWVA Pride Events(
Ambassador: $100/month ($1200/year)
Examples of ways your contribution at this giving level supports SWVA Pride:
Helps to pay for headliners at the SWVA Pride Fest.
Your benefits as an ambassador:
Name on the website (optional)
Friends of Pride T-shirt
SWVA Pride Decal
25% discount on all SWVA Pride stores
Free admission to all SWVA Pride events(includes The Great Spaghetti Dinner & Auction)